Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What to do with your old clothes?

We cannot deny the fact that clothes will surely reach its ugliness in which your clothes will not be up-to-date. But it doesn't mean that you can just throw it away as easy as you can. There are ways in which you can re-invent your old clothes and make it new again.

There are ways in which this could be possible. One option is that adding belt as accessory of one's outfit. This is better to wear cinched in the waist rather than loosely over the hips. Layering is another option, this is actually fashionable. You can wear different layers of vests, t-shirts and cardigans.
Doing something extravagantly different can give one's friends the ignis fatuus of following fashion. Nowadays, skirts come in all lengths, shortening on, lengthening it, or adding something to it will give the idea of being up-to-date. This is the same as with hair styles, change of color and style can make one look fashionable and fantastic.

Doing all or some of what was mentioned above will find that they have effectively given themselves a whole makeover of their wardrobe and completely come up with a new look. This will surely save much of your money.

Be adventurous and practical. Think twice when you are going to throw your designer clothes after you have used them for so many times. The best thing to do for those old clothes is to give them a new look, re-inventing advisable.

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